How Digestive Enzymes and Probiotics can Enrich Your Pet’s Raw Diet

Many pet owners are switching to a raw food diet for their pets on account of the numerous benefits it provides. Dogs (or cats) are primarily carnivorous animals which means that their digestive system is structured so as to extract nutrition from raw meat consumption.

Processed food might not provide ample nutrition for dogs which affects their digestive and immune system causing allergies, food intolerance, and various behavioral issues as well. Besides, dogs also have a short digestive system which limits their ability to digest fibrous plant. Cooked and processed food has been stated as the primary reason for illness and premature death of modern house pets by many veterinary physicians.

Raw food provides a multitude of benefits to dogs which include improved nutrition, healthy digestion, stronger immune system and a leaner body mass. Raw food diets are essentially grain and gluten-free which reduces the risk for allergic reaction considerably, and nutrient efficiency also aids in maintaining healthier skin.

However, it is necessary to take appropriate measures to ensure a smooth transition from dry to raw food as the consumption of processed food for a long time might restricts the growth of digestive enzymes in pet’s pancreas.

When switching to a raw food diet, dogs may experience a detoxification process causing excess shedding, dry skin, and other symptoms. A digestive enzymes deficiency in dogs might also result in malabsorption and improper digestive system, not to mention various gastrointestinal ailments such as bloating and stomach inflammation.

Therefore, in order to procure the health benefits of raw food for your pet, it is recommended to supplement your pet’s diet with digestive enzymes and probiotics.

Digestive enzymes aids in breaking down the carbohydrate, protein and fat into simple, soluble substances which allow an easy absorption of valuable nutrients contained in food.

They also play an important role in improving the metabolic functions in pets which aids in better absorptions of vitamin and minerals, and develops a healthy digestive and immune system which increases the natural efficiency of pets.

Moreover, digestive enzymes and probiotics also promote the growth of gut-friendly bacteria like lactobacilli and bifidobacteria which supports immune system and mucosal conditioning. Many veterinary physicians recommend adding digestive enzymes and probiotics in pet’s food having various irritable bowel syndrome like diarrhea and constipation.

While raw food diet provide many health benefits to pets, their consumption is limited due to their unavailability and expensive price. In case you cannot afford raw food, adding digestive enzymes and probiotics supplements to the regular diet of your pet can prove to be a healthy and cost-efficient solution. Many pharmaceutical suppliers also provide natural digestive enzymes and probiotic products to prevent any side-effects on your pet’s health, all at an affordable price.

5 thoughts on “How Digestive Enzymes and Probiotics can Enrich Your Pet’s Raw Diet

  1. Brilliant post and extremely well explained. My dogs have not looked back since I started feeding them an appropriate diet with digestive enzymes.Thanks for sharing such good info.


  2. These tips are awesome! I never knew that probiotics were good for dogs. I feed my 10-year old male Lab digestive enzyme supplements, the package says it’s organic and it works wonders!


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